24 July 2019

Diervilla ×splendens DIVA

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Diervilla ×splendens Diva 'El Madrigal' PBR

The deciduous shrub with expansive habit, yellow flowers and decorative dark leaves. It grows up to 1.5 m in height. The shoots are partially raised, and partially bent over. The seasonal leaves, cardinal-red beneath, green-cardinal to cardinal on the top. The flowers are tiny, yellow, nicely displayed in comparison to leaves, bloom in June and July, attract insects. The variety is fully frost resistant (4 zone).

Breeder: Spilkers Jungpflanzen OHG, Germany. Market introduction: 2016.

Applicant: Szkółki KUROWSCY, PL-24-130 Końskowola, ul. Kurowska 105, Poland