SMOLIN Jerzy Gospodarstwo Rolniczo-Ogrodnicze Szkółka Drzew i Krzewów Ozdobnych
46-200 Kluczbork
Ligota Dolna, ul. Wołczyńska 54
phone: (+48) 774184952
mob.: (+48) 608393489
46-200 Kluczbork
Ligota Dolna, ul. Wołczyńska 54
phone: (+48) 774184952
mob.: (+48) 608393489
voivodeship opolskie
Review nursery
Gospodarstwo Rolniczo-Ogrodnicze Szkółka Drzew i Krzewów Ozdobnych Jerzy SMOLIN
The member of ZSzP is: Jerzy SmolinProduction profile
We produce plants in containers – conifers, deciduous, Ericaceae (azaleas) and climbers. We offer dug out plants from the field – conifers (thujas, junipers, yews), shaped form of coniferous and deciduous plants (shaped boxwood – ball and cone), large specimen of magnolia 2-3 m of height.Sales wholesale and retail
Nursery offer (offer from April 2023)