16 July 2019

Cercis canadensis THE RISING SUN

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Cercis canadensis THE RISING SUN 'JN2'

A small tree with yellow-orange leaves and with a spreading habit which reaches 3-4 m in height. The blades of leaves are big, heart-shaped, set on long petioles, the youngest ones are intensively orange, they become light green as they are older. In summer in one tree we can see the leaves in all phases of development, thanks to which the plant remains multi-color attractively almost for the whole season. The pink flowers develop together with leaves at the turn of April and May, they are gathered in clusters in bunches. The flowers grow directly on trunks and branches and young twigs. The plant requires warm and protected, sunny locations, soil with neutral up to alkaline pH, on average rich and moderately moist. The variety is resistant to drought, heat and more resistant to frost than a parent specie. Hardiness zone: 5. The tree is recommended for small gardens in the cities or patios or to be planted between the buildings.

Breeder: Ray and Cindy Jackson, USA

Applicant: Szkółkarstwo Ozdobne OLSZEWSCY, ul. Strażacka 20, 42-262 Poczesna, Poland