Little known variety in Poland of the tulip tree, attracting attention with a wide, creamy leaf margin. The color of the edging is initially yellow, becoming creamy white with time. Contrary to the old 'Aureomarginatum' variety, the leaf discoloration persists almost until the end of the growing season and is much more visible. The growth of the plant is strong, only slightly weaker than that of the species. The tree is recommended for large home gardens and parks, where it can be used as a strong color accent in compositions with other trees and shrubs or as a solitaire.
Hardiness zone: 5b -26/-23 °C
Breeder: James Palmer Rumbal, New Zealand
Year of market introduction: beginning of XXI century
Applicant: Szkółka Szmit, ul. Kwiatowa 18, 06-400 Pęchcin k. Ciechanowa, Poland