
BAJEROWSCY Danuta i Jerzy Gospodarstwo Rolno-Szkółkarskie
97-310 Moszczenica
Jarosty, ul. Miła 64

phone: (+48) 446462203
mob.: (+48) 604372199
fax: (+48) 446462203

voivodeship łódzkie

Review nursery

Gospodarstwo Rolno-Szkółkarskie Danuta i Jerzy BAJEROWSCY

The members of ZSzP are: Jerzy Bajerowski i Danuta Bajerowska

Production profile

The nursery was established in 1987. We offer coniferous and deciduous trees and shrubs; nursery stock for forestry and plantings.
Sales wholesale and retail

Nursery offer (offer from June 2015)

coniferous 65 offered

deciduous 90 offered
