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DĄBRÓWKA Szkółki Roślin Ozdobnych
97-565 Lgota Wielka
Brudzice, ul. Podgórna 9

phone: (+48) 446801171
mob.: (+48) 509481696
mob.: (+48) 503151849
fax: (+48) 446801171

voivodeship łódzkie

Review nursery

Szkółki Roślin Ozdobnych DĄBRÓWKA

The member of ZSzP is: Przemysław Dąbrówka

Production profile

The family nursery has been existing since 1993. We produce coniferous plants in C2 - C10 containers, deciduous, grafted, Ericaceae plants, field grown plants, climbers. Our products are sold to garden centres, companies that arrange gardens and we export to Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Romania, Estonia, Germany.
Sales wholesale and retail

Nursery offer (offer from January 2017)

climbers 1 offered

coniferous 157 offered

deciduous 144 offered
