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DAMMERA Wanda Jąkalska Szkółka Roślin Ozdobnych
83-041 Mierzeszyn
ul. Jeziorna 2a

mob.: (+48) 500045585

voivodeship pomorskie

Review nursery

Szkółka Roślin Ozdobnych DAMMERA Wanda Jąkalska

The member of ZSzP is: Wanda Jąkalska

Production profile

The nursery specializes in production of species Hydrangea paniculata, H. arborescens, H. quercifolia and perennials, grasses, deciduous and coniferous shrubs in containers. The nursery runs the retail sale as well.
Sales wholesale and retail

Nursery offer (offer from February 2023)

coniferous 192 offered

deciduous 194 offered

perennials 218 offered
