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DREWSMOL Szkółka Dużych Drzew Anna Malik
96-320 Badów Górny
ul. Piekarska 44

phone: (+48) 468572636
mob.: (+48) 609361792
mob.: (+48) 601533347
fax: (+48) 468572636

voivodeship mazowieckie

Review nursery

Szkółka Dużych Drzew DREWSMOL Anna Malik

The member of ZSzP is: Anna Malik

Production profile

Our nursery specializes in production of big trees. Above that we have in offer avenue trees, coniferous and deciduous trees. For some years we have been producing plants in containers. We have over 25 years of experience in replanting, planning and cutting trees, we produce also bark for trees ballots. We are continually increasing the offer of nursery and assortment used for nursery production. We invite you for cooperation.
Sales wholesale and retail
