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FRYSZKOWSCY Szkółka Drzew i Krzewów
88-170 Pakość
Kościelec 94

phone: (+48) 523511481
mob.: (+48) 662198641

voivodeship kujawsko-pomorskie

Review nursery

Szkółka Drzew i Krzewów FRYSZKOWSCY

The members of ZSzP are: Renata Fryszkowska-Madej i Roman Fryszkowski

Production profile

The nursery was founded in 1977. We produce entire assortment of trees, coniferous and deciduous shrubs in containers and field grown, avenue trees and grafted, perennials, roses and fruit trees. Beside domestic sale since many years we export our plants to Eastern and Western markets.
Strong by NATURE
Sales wholesale and retail

Nursery offer (offer from December 2021)

coniferous 327 offered

deciduous 619 offered

ericacae 60 offered

fruit 123 offered

perennials 419 offered
