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ZŁOTA JAGODA Gospodarstwo Szkółkarskie Krzysztof Botul
96-130 Głuchów
ul. Złota 135

phone: (+48) 692424142
mob.: (+48) 602427144

voivodeship łódzkie

Review nursery

Gospodarstwo Szkółkarskie Krzysztof Botul - ZŁOTA JAGODA

The member of ZSzP is: Krzysztof Botul

Production profile

The Złota Jagoda Nursery has been specializing in cuttings of berry plants for 25 years. The nursery`s flagship product is the highbush blueberry (American), and we also produce lowbush blueberries and cranberries from the Vaccinium genus. Other berries: haskap berry, vine, minikiwi. We offer plants in P9, C2, C3, C5… up to C60 containers.
Sales wholesale and retail
