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MARKFLOR Szkółka Drzew i Krzewów
30-685 Kraków
ul. Cechowa 127A

phone: (+48) 122648080
mob.: (+48) 696442046

voivodeship małopolskie

Review nursery

MARKFLOR Szkółka Drzew i Krzewów

The member of ZSzP is: Marek Gurgul

Production profile

The nursery of trees and shrubs specializes in production of large deciduous and coniferous trees, including many grafted varieties, which makes available planting them in summer time as well and guarantee establishment of plants in tough urban conditions. We also offer the service in development of green areas. We arrange the gardens, plants the avenue trees and shrubs in public space and spreading lawns.
Sales wholesale and retail

Nursery offer (offer from October 2015)

coniferous 92 offered

deciduous 180 offered

fruit 2 offered

perennials 1 offered

roses 3 offered
