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IGLAK Szkółka Drzew i Krzewów Ozdobnych
96-323 Osuchów
ul. Szkolna 8

phone: (+48) 468574598
mob.: (+48) 602361597
fax: (+48) 468574598

voivodeship mazowieckie

Review nursery

Szkółka Drzew i Krzewów Ozdobnych IGLAK

The members of ZSzP are: Patryk Wójcik i Robert Wójcik

Production profile

The nursery was established in 1994. We offer to domestic and foreign customer’s high quality material of coniferous and deciduous nursery stock, dug out of the ground and in containers. In particular, we specialize in the production of large conifers, including many grafted varieties.
Sales wholesale and retail

Nursery offer (offer from January 2023)

coniferous 114 offered
