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KUJAWA Andrzej Szkółka „Bąblin”
64-607 Kiszewo
Bąblin 16B

phone: (+48) 612963028
mob.: (+48) 602514051

voivodeship wielkopolskie

Review nursery

Szkółka „Bąblin” Andrzej KUJAWA

The member of ZSzP is: Andrzej Kujawa

Production profile

Our nursery is in existence since 1994. We produce coniferous and deciduous trees and shubs exclusively in containers. The nursery specializes in extremely rare varieties and species of deciduous shrubs, which stands for garden haberdashery. Each year we offer new and unusual in mass production shrubs and trees. SZKÓŁKA BĄBLIN – UNUSUAL PLANTS.
Sales wholesale and retail

Nursery offer (offer from March 2024)

coniferous 88 offered

deciduous 183 offered
