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ŁAPIŃSKI Marta Olęcka Szkółka Drzewa i Krzewy Ozdobne
05-304 Stanisławów
Kolonia Stanisławów 53

phone: (+48) 257575520
mob.: (+48) 500021066
fax: (+48) 257575520

voivodeship mazowieckie

Review nursery

Szkółka Drzewa i Krzewy Ozdobne ŁAPIŃSKI Marta Olęcka

The member of ZSzP is: Marek Łapiński

Production profile

The nursery was established in 1999. On the area of 10 ha, in field and containers the young and adult nursery stock is culti¬vated- several dozen species of ornamental shrubs and trees in rich assortment of varieties (including grafted). Supplementary supplement to that offer is production of climbers and perennials. Since the beginning of our nursery we try to make the offer of our nursery full and versatile, and we produce plants of high quality. Each year we introduce new varieties of plants to production, offering to wholesale and retail customers over 1000 species and varieties of plants in total.
Sales wholesale and retail

Nursery offer (offer from January 2022)

deciduous 222 offered

ericacae 1 offered

fruit 1 offered

roses 2 offered
