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MAJEWSCY Magdalena i Marek Szkółka Roślin Wrzosowatych
24-130 Końskowola
Witowice 92

phone: (+48) 818812079
mob.: (+48) 728366771
mob.: (+48) 728386075
mob.: (+48) 728388219

voivodeship lubelskie

Review nursery

Szkółka Roślin Wrzosowatych Magdalena i Marek MAJEWSCY

The members of ZSzP are: Magdalena Majewska i Marek Majewski

Production profile

The nursery since 1992 specializes in production of ericaceous plants. We offer heathers, ericas, azaleas with large flowers, Japanese azaleas, rhododendrons, andromeda, crowberries, gaultheria, cranberry, highbush blueberry, pieris, doghobbles and other ericaceous plants. There is nothing like a family… of Ericaceae.
Sales wholesale and retail

Nursery offer (offer from October 2023)

deciduous 1 offered

ericacae 156 offered
