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MILCZYŃSKI Maciej i Mateusz Szkółka Krzewów Ozdobnych
43-331 Dankowice
ul. Góra 23

phone: (+48) 338457334
mob.: (+48) 509359792

voivodeship śląskie

Review nursery

Szkółka Krzewów Ozdobnych Maciej i Mateusz MILCZYŃSKI

The members of ZSzP are: Maciej Milczyński i Mateusz Milczyński

Production profile

The specific conditions of the nursery and the professionalism of the staff enable us to produce healthy and wanted plants in containers and in field. We offer coniferous and deciduous shrubs, perennials flowering in summer including daylilies, hostas, and grasses in containers from C1,5 to C5. We have experience and capabilities in delivering big amounts of plants (CC trolleys). Wholesale offer accessible on ordering platform under http://b2b.sunnyplants.pl/
Sales wholesale and retail

Nursery offer (offer from February 2024)

coniferous 103 offered

deciduous 149 offered

perennials 201 offered

roses 1 offered
