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MYKITA i SZYMAŃSKI Szkółka Roślin Ozdobnych
49-312 Szydłowice
Dobrzyń 4

phone: (+48) 774120410

voivodeship opolskie

Review nursery

Szkółka Roślin Ozdobnych MYKITA i SZYMAŃSKI

The members of ZSzP are: Piotr Szymański, Wiesław Mykita, Łukasz Mykita i Grzegorz Szymański

Production profile

The nursery is a family farm. It has been existing since 1972. We offer container and field grown coniferous and deciduous shrubs, grafted and shaped nursery stock, highbush blueberry. We invite you to visit our nursery.
Sales wholesale and retail

Nursery offer (offer from September 2021)

coniferous 266 offered

deciduous 111 offered
