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NOWICKA Elżbieta Szkółka Roślin Ozdobnych
62-590 Golina pow. koniński
Kraśnica Kolonia 28A

phone: (+48) 632450139
fax: (+48) 632450139

voivodeship wielkopolskie

Review nursery

Szkółka Roślin Ozdobnych mgr inż. Elżbieta NOWICKA

The members of ZSzP are: Romuald Nowicki i Elżbieta Nowicka

Production profile

The main branch of production is young grafted coniferous nursery stock in P9 in wide assortment of varieties from genus Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus - together over 100 varieties. Above that the nursery produces coniferous shrubs, deciduous and perennials in wide assortment - mature nursery stock.
Sales wholesale and retail
