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WYSOKA Piotr Jaskulski Szkółka Roślin Ozdobnych
62-085 Skoki
Wysoka 10

phone: (+48) 614276668
mob.: (+48) 604203544

voivodeship wielkopolskie

Review nursery

Szkółka Roślin Ozdobnych WYSOKA Piotr Jaskulski

The member of ZSzP is: Piotr Jaskulski

Production profile

The nursery specializes in production of plants in containers P9. We also offer nursery stock in containers from C1,5 up to C10. We cooperate with other nurseries, and with garden centres and landscaping companies.
Sales wholesale and retail

Nursery offer (offer from March 2019)

climbers 2 offered

coniferous 145 offered

deciduous 146 offered
