19 January 2025

2021- EXPO XXI

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The GREEN IS LIFE & FLOWER EXPO POLAND exhibition, which took place on September 2-3-4 this year in Warsaw once again gathered the green industry after a two-year break, proclaiming the slogan: LET'S MEET. We are glad that you decided to take part in the  GREEN IS LIFE & FLOWER EXPO POLAND exhibition, despite the feeling of uncertainty related to the epidemiological situation.


We have been trusted by nearly 150 companies from Poland, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, Denmark and Italy. Garden plants, which are the heart of the exhibition, were accompanied by garden equipment, and technologies for green areas and plant production, as well as floristry. Compared to 2019, plant producers had a greater share in the fair.  Due to difficulties in transport and international travel - fewer companies from abroad, mainly florists, attended the expo. 


4917 professional visitors attended the expo.  This is 69% of the  2019 level. 90% used the first two days of the fair for this purpose. This time there were more people from the industry than hobbyists, who attended mainly on Saturday. In total, during the three days of the fair, we hosted almost 9400 people and, despite the difficulties at the borders, they came from Belgium, Bulgaria, Belarus, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, The Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Slovenia and even the United Arab Emirates.

Wider Reach 

Already in 2020, we introduced an information and promotion platform for the GREEN industry exhibitors and their products. This time we added online broadcasts and streams. We used digitization to expand the exposition audience to include people who could not join the fair in real life. 6710 people on social media and YouTube channels (as of September 7) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGTmZoQ8IK0 have watched the nearly eight hours of reports and talks from the exhibition studio with exhibitors as well as presentations of plant novelties. It is a new channel that encourages people to visit the exhibition this and next year, because everyone who is close to greenery  longs to live with this wealth of plants and connect with people who are so passionate about their business in such a fantastic way.

As of today, the streaming of the Green City conference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFbu7NKnb88 has enabled 1,305 people to attend from Poland and abroad (Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Great Britain, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, France, Italy, USA).

What’s New Rules!

During the opening of the fair, the results of the Plant Novelties Competition  were announced. This year, the firm Minier Pepinieres - Minier Professional Solution achieved a great triumph, presenting the winners of the gold and silver medals, which were awarded to the Eastern laurel 'Miniredia' PBR and the GOLD FLAME® ginkgo biloba. The bronze medal was awarded to the Cercis canadensis GOLDEN FALLS, submitted by the Szkółkarstwo Ozdobne Olszewscy, and the Serbian spruce 'Golden Rain', submitted by Daglezja Artur Maj Szkółka Roślin. The jury also appreciated the Hosta GYPSY LEMON with honors as submitted by Ogrody O Zielonych Prograch Przemysław Godlewski – Szkółka Bylin and the Rose INCREDIBLE FRUITY from Gospodarstwo Szkółkarstwo Łazuccy. The journalists' distinction was awarded to the Mountain pine 'Tukan' submitted by the Szkółka Nowaczyk.

Congratulations to all the winners. 

The Future 

We are already planning the next edition of the exhibition, to be be held on 1-2-3 September 2022. We are thinking about new solutions that will increase the reach to professionals. However, the most important thing for our exhibitors is face-to-face meetings - only 24% of respondents are interested in the virtual form of the fair.

Maintaining the prosperity of green businesses requires the cooperation of the industry community as well as specific promotional and educational activities aimed at professionals, investors and developers as well as hobby gardener.  The exhibition and accompanying events are a strong element of this strategy.  

WELCOME NEXT YEAR – 1-2-3 September 2022!